Importance of Digital Marketing Analytics

Digital Marketing & Analytics

Traditional marketing has gone through a paradigm shift over the years. The new nomenclature is digital marketing which is high result oriented and business focused.
Irrespective of the nature of the business one must understand that the customer is not looking for any traditional approach but a personalized experience.Due to this access to the right kind of data is very much critical for marketers.

Digital marketers need to look at the right kind of data and analysis for maximizing the return.Effective use of digital marketing analytics is a key differentiation to the business.

Digital analytics helps in tracking and analyzing the results which gives the clue whether the efforts are paying off or not. The traditional marketing simply was not having this option.

Starting from email marketing campaign to analyzing website visits there is an ample amount of information that one can infer to understand the success.

Website has become an integral part of the modern day marketing ecosystem.
Customers are using website to understand the brands, do product inquiry and online purchase.
Website is a critical tool for digital marketing. It helps in information delivery and high level of engagement. This is used to target the marketing efforts and enhance business.

Blog Comments
Blog helps business to build a brand and gather leads. Blog comments help in understanding the interest of the customer.
Digital marketing analytics is about analyzing and understanding customers by monitoring their behavior.
Google Analytics
Google analytics provide statistics and analytical tools for search engine optimization and marketing purposes. It helps in dashboard score cards, custom reports,segmentation and conversion analysis.

Dashboard Metrics
Dashboard metrics provide an insight into how the website is growing and improvement scope.
The following 3 metrics are to be checked.
1. Pages per visit- No. of pages of the website visited by an average visitor.
2. Average visit duration-Average time spent on the website.
3.Bounce Rate- % people left the website after visiting page.

The above 3 metrics give an idea of the website performance.

Digital marketing analytics measures the efficacy of marketing inputs and guides for the way forward.

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